
Redesigning Rose is one month old today so I’ve decided to throw a party and give a book (or two) away in the loot bag! But you won’t win Redesigning Rose – you’ll win my favourite book of 2013! And if my favourite indie read of 2013 is available for the ereader you use, I’ll give you that one too! I kind of feel like Oprah!

How to enter:

I want to see where you’re reading Redesigning Rose this summer. Take a photo wherever you happen to be reading Redesigning Rose and upload  it to Facebook or Twitter. Make sure you tag me so I can find your entry (Facebook: Twitter: @lydialaceby. And please do tell me where you are in the world! Friends and family, new readers and old are eligible – and that’s not old, old, but old in that you ran out and bought my book baby within days or weeks after it was available – thank you again!

If you head on over and ‘like’ my Facebook page, I’ll give you a second entry. Heck, I’ll give you an entry even if you don’t snap yourself reading Redesigning Rose but just like my Facebook page. Twitter, too! Then enter below with the ever fair Rafflecopter (you just need an email address for contact when you win and to select how you entered.)

I’m not disclosing the winning books. You’ll just have to trust me. If you’re new here, I have plenty of book review experience at Novel Escapes. If you’ve already read my pick, I have a couple of others up my sleeve.  No heckling me to reveal my faves. I may crumble under the pressure.

What are you waiting for, get snapping! I can’t wait to see where you’re lounging with Rose!

The nitty-gritty:

Contest is available worldwide.

Deadline for photo upload is midnight, July 31st, 2013.

Click through to Rafflecopter and tell me what you did (photo, Facebook, Twitter, or the kitchen sink).

Ebook users must show the legible cover of Redesigning Rose on their ereaders.

Ebook winner must show proof of purchase.

The winner will be selected at random by Rafflecopter.

E-reader winners will receive ebooks and paperback winners will receive a paperback.

If you prefer to show your furry friend reading and remain faceless, by all means. I live with an internet-phobe, so I get it. I’m still not sure why he married an author, though.

If you already own the books I selected, we’ll discuss some of my runner-ups.

3 ways to enter: upload a photo (one entry per person, per purchase of Redesigning Rose), like me on Facebook and/or like me on Twitter.

Good Luck!

Enter here: A Rafflecopter giveaway

2 thoughts on “Giveaway!

  1. Pingback: Favourite Friday – Books of 2013 | Lydia Laceby

  2. Pingback: Friday Favourites – Books of 2013 | Lydia Laceby

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